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Abstract Topic: Infectious and Non Infectious Diseases

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Suwendar, Fetri Lestari, Sri Peni Fitrianingsih, Dieni Mardliyani, Nisa Fitriani

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suwendar suwendar

Bandung Islamic University

Indonesia with a tropical climate allows the growth of various fungi including pathogenic fungi so that fungal infections have a high prevalence. Fungal infections with high prevalence include leucorrhoea and dandruff, each caused by Candida albicans and Pityrosporum ovale. This research is an attempt to prove scientifically about the potential antifungal activity of rose apple leaves [Eugenia aqueum (Burm. F) Alston]. The objectives of this research were to obtain the value of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Evaluation of antifungal activity was carried out by diffusion method using well techniques. Tests were carried out on Candida albicans and Pityrosporum ovale. The results showed that the ethanol extract of guava leaves showed antifungal activity both against Candida albicans and Pityrosporum ovale. The MIC of ethanol extract was 1% both to Candida albicans and Pityrosporum ovale.

ethanol extract of rose apple leaves, antifungal activity, MIC

Infectious and Non Infectious Diseases


Antituberculosis Induced Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms in a Pediatric Latent Tuberculosis Infection Overdiagnosed as Tuberculosis Disease
Wiwiek Setiowulan,1,2 Redi Rulandani,4 Hana Sofia Rachman1,3

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Wiwiek Setiowulan Sp.A., M.Kes.

1Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia
2Department of Pediatrics, Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah , Bandung, Indonesia
3Department of Pediatrics, Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Al Ihsan, Bandung, Indonesia
4 Intern Doctor, Department of Pediatrics, Rumah Sakit Angkatan Udara dr. M. Salamun, Bandung, Indonesia

Coresponding Email: aisafatiha[at]

Pediatric drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) is a life-threatening uncommon disease that can be difficult to diagnose. A prolonged duration of fever before the appearance of other cardinal symptoms may cause an initial miss diagnosis. We present a case of a 10 year old girl with ten days of high fever first treated as typhoid fever. She was on the fifth week of antituberculosis treatment (ATT). A diagnosis of DRESS was made after the appearance of pruritic morbiliform rash and severe liver injury. The fever decreased after we stopped the ATT and gave systemic corticosteroid, followed by resolution of other symptoms. The diagnosis of TB disease in this patient was made in primary health care facility using pediatric TB scoring system. Despite the total score of 6 (positive tuberculin test and TB exposure), she has normal chest X-ray and no symptoms of TB. Therefore, the patient has latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) but overdiagnosed as TB disease. Due to the negative HIV status of the patient, TB prophylaxis is not needed. Therefore, reintroduction of ATT was contraindicated, which led to lack identification of specific drug causing DRESS in this case.

Antituberculosis treatment, drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms, latent tuberculosis infection.

Infectious and Non Infectious Diseases


Case Report: Rett Syndrome
Dicky S, Dida AG, Herri SS, Anas S

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Dicky Santosa

Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Bandung

CASE REPORT: RETT SYNDROME Rett syndrome is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder accompanied by autistic behavior, stereotypic hand movements, dementia, ataxia, epilepsy, growth disturbance, mental retardation, and often occurs in girls. The cause of Rett syndrome is due to a mutation in the MeCP2 gene. The purpose of this case report is a case review. A 14-year-old girl came to the Al Islam Bandung Hospital emergency with the diagnosis of Dengue Shock Syndrome, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Rett Syndrome. The patient was treated for 2 weeks, with complications of Respiratory Failure, UTI, Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Anemia, Epilepsy, Stomatitis, and Feeding Problems. Patients are known to suffer from Retts Syndrome since the age of 1 year. At this time the patient has reached stage 4 Rett Syndrome (late motor decline), with symptoms of scoliosis, muscle spatisity, severe physical disability, convulsions, dystonia, bradykinesia. The management of Rett Syndrome has so far aimed at improving and slow progression, as well as symptomatic treatment, thus requiring medical teams. The prognosis of Rett syndrome is unknown. Some patients die during childhood due to airway complications, arrhythmias, nutritional disorders, but many reach middle age.

Autistic Disorder, Rett Syndrome

Infectious and Non Infectious Diseases


Determinants Associated with Tuberculosis Preventive Behaviour among Household in Rural Area of Bandung District
Hilmi Sulaiman Rathomi (a), Nurul Romadhona (a)

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Hilmi Sulaiman Rathomi

(a) Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Bandung

Sustainable development goals mandate all countries struggle to reduce tuberculosis (TB) incidence by up to 90%. One of the essential efforts for eliminating TB is doing preventive behaviours. This study aims to explore TB prevention behaviour and associated factors. This is a cross-sectional study carried by rapid survey method. We involved 210 residents of Rancakasumba village, one of the highest TB prevalence location in Bandung district. Data regarding behaviours and related determinants were obtained through a validated questionnaire. We analysed the data using STATA 13. As many as 51% of respondents have good TB prevention behaviour. The least common preventive behaviour is exercising regularly (19%), while 64% of respondents had done the most crucial preventive behaviour which is closing the mouth when coughing. Based on the chi-square test, the level of education and knowledge was the only factors that significantly related to prevention behaviour (p <0.001). While gender, occupation, income, and experience getting TB education did not have a meaningful relationship. It can be concluded that more than half of respondents have practised adequate TB prevention efforts, and there is a significant relationship between the level of education and respondents knowledge about TB with TB prevention behaviour.

tuberculosis, preventive behaviour, rural health

Infectious and Non Infectious Diseases


Nabil Saad Harmala, Abdelkodose M. H. Abdullab, Abulilah Alharazic, Amaludin Bin Ahmeda, Roy Rillera Marzoa, Shahnaj Pervina.

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a. Faculty of medicine, Asia Metropolitan University, Johor, Malaysia. *drnabil[at]
b. Medical microbiology, Faculty of medicine, Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS), Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
c. National center of public health laboratories, Sana-a, Yemen.

Introduction In Yemen, devastated by war, it has been reported that the cholera epidemic disease among the largest of cutting-edge times. The aim of this study is to describe the epidemiological features including the people at risk, drivers of cholera transmission and the drug resistance pattern of the aetiological agent in Sana-a- Yemen. Methods All the suspected cholera cases presenting at the medical health laboratory centre in Sana-a during the period from January to May 2019 were considered in this study. Epidemiological variables included in addition to the results of the rapid diagnostic methods and antimicrobial susceptibility. Bacterial cultures were carried out to confirm the diagnosis. Results The cumulative total number of suspected cholera cases from 1st January 2019 to 18th May 2019 is 49096, with 969 have been confirmed as cholera-positive for Vibrio cholerae O1 Ogawa strain by culture at the central public health laboratory in Sana-a and 49 associated deaths (CFR 0.10%). The highest death rate was among the elderly (>60y) represent 55% of total suspected cases. Among the clinical isolates 100 % resistance towards both; Nalidixic acid, Nitrofurantoin and 69% sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim. The majority of the isolates (69%) showed multidrug resistant pattern towards four different antibiotics. Conclusion Our results suggested that the cholera epidemic in Amanat Al Asimah, Yemen is caused by multidrug resistance strains. Hence, the rapidly emerging multidrug resistance must be monitored closely and health authorities and partners should immediately enhance current control efforts to mitigate the risk of a new cholera epidemic wave in Yemen.

Vibrio cholera; Ogawa; Cholera; epidemic; Yemen; resistance pattern.

Infectious and Non Infectious Diseases


Identification Characteristics of Santriwati with Pediculosis capitis in Pesantren
Ratna Dewi Indi Astuti

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Ratna Dewi Astuti

Parasitology Department Medical Faculty oh Universitas Islam Bandung

Pediculosis capitis is a common disease in Indonesia, especially in pesantren. The high incidence of pediculosis capitis in this pesantren is due to close contact. This study aims to describe the characteristics of santriwati with pediculosis capitis in pesantren as an effort to eradicate pediculosis capitis in pesantren. This research is a cross-sectional study that was conducted at a salafi pesantren in Cililin Kabupaten Bandung Barat in October 2018. Respondents of this study were santriwati with pediculosis capitis. The diagnosis of pediculosis capitis was established by the discovery of adult and or viable eggs lice, while the characteristic of santriwati was obtained by questionnaire. The number of respondents involved was 45 santriwati. The results showed that 44.44% of santriwati got pediculosis capitis in pesantren. As many as 64.44% santriwati also had family with pediculosis capitis in their homes. All santriwati with pediculosis capitis complained of itching on the scalp and 97.78% of santriwati felt ashamed with her pediculosis capitis. All santriwati have done efforts to treat pediculosis capitis. The serit combs was more chosen by santriwati (97.78%) rather than insecticides (42.22%) to treat pediculosis capitis. But appropriate manner of using serit comb that can treat pediculosis capitis is only 44.44%. Pediculosis capitis eradication requires simultaneous appropiate treatment manner both at the pesantren and at home.

Eradication, pediculosis capitis, santriwati

Infectious and Non Infectious Diseases


melisa ramadhani, Fanny Septiani Farhan

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fanny septiani farhan

Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Background: Stroke is the third largest disease after heart disease and cancer, and the disease is the highest cause of disability in the world. Data from South East Asian Medical Information Centre (SEAMIC) note that the greatest stroke mortality occurred in Indonesia, followed by the Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, and Thailand. Post-stroke disability can be motoric disorders, sensory, autonomic and cognitive disorders. Cognitive impairment caused by stroke can cause interference, such as language disorders, memory, visuospatial, attention, orientation, cognition and emotion. Objective: To investigate impaired cognitive function in stroke patients in departement of neurology, Jakarta Islamic Hospital. Methods: This research is quantitative with cross-sectional design in stroke patients in poly nerve in the Islamic Hospital in Jakarta, Cempaka Putih in September-November 2015 using MoCA-INA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment Version Indonesia) to determine whether or not the function Cognitive respondents take effect. The data were analyzed using univariate to describe each variable. Results: The results of a total of 83 patients with stroke, ischemic stroke is the most common with 75 respondents (90.4%) and with a total of 76 respondents (91.6%) positive impaired cognitive function. For ages, range 55-64 years become the most with 29 respondents (34.9). Under the category of gender, men are more with 47 respondents (56.6%). At the elementary school level is the highest with a total of 22 respondents (26.5%). Conclusion: Based on these results, patients with stroke in Poli Neural Jakarta Islamic Hospital Cempaka Putih, 76 respondents (91.6%) positive impaired cognitive function. Health Waiters are expected to perform routine screening for cognitive function tests for stroke patients in order to diagnose early and assist patients in overcoming the signs and symptoms of cognitive decline

Stroke, Cognitive Function Disorders, MoCA-INA

Infectious and Non Infectious Diseases


Optimisation for measuring M. tuberculosis antigen-specific T cell response using intra-cytoplasmic cytokine staining of human peripheral blood mononuclear cell
Heni Muflihah (a,b,), Warwick J Britton (a,c)

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Heni Muflihah

a) Centenary Institute, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, Australia, 2050
b) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia, 40116
c) Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2006

The current Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccine provides inconsistent protection against pulmonary infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). In mice studies, immunity induced by subcutaneous BCG wanes by the time. The evidence for immunogenicity following BCG vaccination in Indonesia is limited. This preliminary study measured Mtb-specific T cell response in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) using flow cytometry. Three designs were compared in the stimulation of PBMC with Mtb culture filtrate protein (CFP) and additional protein transport inhibitor Brefeldine A (BFA). They were 24 hours or 5 days of CFP stimulation with BFA at the last 4 or 18 hours. The intra-cytoplasmic cytokine staining (ICS) was then performed to assess the production of IFN-gamma, IL-2, and TNF by CD4+ T cells. Single production of IFN-gamma or TNF detected in the 24-hour was higher than that in the 5-day. The 18-hour BFA resulted in a significant proportion of polyfunctional CD4+ T cells. In conclusion, detection of Mtb-specific T cell response using ICS of human PBMC is optimum using 24 hours of antigen stimulation with additional BFA at the last 18 hours. The duration of antigen stimulation and protein transport inhibition affects the amount of intra-cytoplasmic cytokine response analysed using flow cytometry.

tuberculosis, CD4+ T cells, intra-cytoptlasmic cytokine

Infectious and Non Infectious Diseases


Significant Relationship between Body Mass Index and the Degree of Mitral Valve Stenosis : Supporting Evidence for Obesity Paradox Phenomenon?
Avinindita Nura Lestari (a*), Mohammad Rizki Akbar (b), Ike Rahmawaty (c)

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Avinindita Nura Lestari

a) Faculty of Medicine, Bandung Islamic University, Bandung
b) Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung
c) Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Bandung Islamic University, Bandung

Obesity paradox existence-s been proposed this past decade, suggesting obese individuals may have survival benefit when there-s acute cardiovascular decompensation. Adiponectin-s known to have cardioprotective role against inflammation. We look at mitral valve stenosis (MS), feature of rheumatic heart disease (RHD), to determine relationship between body mass index (BMI) and degree of MS in RHD patients. Observational analytic study is done with cross-sectional method and consecutive sampling. 225 medical records enrolled from RHD patients at Noninvasive Diagnostic Division, Heart Service Installation, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung. Anthropometric measurement and echocardiography results taken and analyzed using Kruskal-Wallace followed by Mann-Whitney and Chi-square. Underweight, normal, overweight, and obese percentage are 16%, 52%, 15%, and 17% respectively. Severe MS distributed most in normal BMI group. In obese patients, MS distribution is moderate (6.2%), severe (5.8%), and mild (5.3%). Analysis shows the relationship between BMI and degree of MS (p<0.05). Median of mitral valve area (MVA) in obese group shows the greatest (1.2 vs 0.8-0.9) and significant (p<0.05). There-s significant relationship between BMI and degree of MS in RHD patients and greater median of MVA in obese group. Statistically, this may support the evidence of obesity paradox in RHD patients with MS.

obesity paradox; mitral stenosis; rheumatic heart disease; body mass index; mitral valve area

Infectious and Non Infectious Diseases


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